How important is ACEJMC accreditation for journalism majors?

<p>Is ACEJMC important for students majoring in journalism?</p>

<p>I noticed that schools such as Boston University, Emerson, UMass, Northeastern, etc. are not ACEJMC accredited although they are very well known and are top schools? How come?</p>

<p>What is the big difference between those that are accredited and those that aren't?</p>

<p>Thanks :) </p>



<p>This might be fairly helpful: [ACEJMC-value</a> of accreditation](<a href=“]ACEJMC-value”>ACEJMC-value of accreditation).</p>

<p>In the end, it’s your work that matters more than whether a program is accredited or not.</p>

<p>Thanks for the link, finally! :)</p>