<p>does it hold a lot of weight in admissions? i mean, if your not in the top 10% do your chances go significantly down. (even if you have a strong GPA but in a competitive class/school)</p>
<p>I'm just wondering because I might not be in the top 10% of my class.. even though i have about a 98 GPA, I'm in a very competitive public school so there are a bunch of people slightly ahead of me.</p>
<p>Class rank is arguably more important than GPA, because it measures your performance against people whose academic options as close to you as possible.</p>
<p>For instance, strength of school would be what distinguishes between a 97 avg at the Bronx School of Science and a 97 at Podunk Secondary.</p>
<p>Class rank would be what differentiates between the Valedictorian at the Bronx, and the people in the top ten.</p>
<p>Of course, there’s a lot more to a successful application than just the GPA.</p>
<p>If you can raise your GPA/Rank DO IT.If you can’t, keep it where it is, and work on other stuff.</p>
<p>My weighted rank is 9/380 (GPA 4.52) while my unweighted rank is 40/380 (GPA 3.91). Would this hurt me a lot just because many people take very easy classes just to get A’s?</p>
<p>well i think class percentage is more important.</p>
<p>Our school has 750 kids per grade, so being in the top 50 may not sound good, but its in the top 8 percent.</p>
<p>oh yea and also, how do we find our ranks?</p>
<p>They arent listed on my transcript? I know we definelty have a ranking system because I got a certificate for being in the top 5 percent in my class. Do you think I can ask my GC and she will tell me? (im a junior)</p>
<p>My high school does not rank, but has a bar graph listing where you would most likely lie… yet the maximum percentage the graph goes to is the top 25% of the class (of around 400). I know i’m definitely in the top 25%, but there is no way to see if I am ranked any higher… will that hurt my chances of admission?</p>
<p>i went to a penn admission info session and they told me that class rank is not too important because all schools are different. For instance, what may be an A in my school may only be a B+ in your school or vise versa. They said that they are more concerned with the rigor of your class schedule and how well you do in them. </p>
<p>Yeah well, you could be ranked 50/500 in an extremely competitive school, and 50/500 in a school that is less competitive. Does it matter where you come from?</p>
<p>96 percent of upenn’s kids were in the top 10 percent…for those who go to really compietive schools and are not in top 10 percent, its an uphill battle, good luck!(i am in this boat lol)…</p>
<p>^ No, It doens’t matter much how compieitive your public school is, if you are not in the top 10 percent, its an uphill battle. 45 percent of valdictorians are accepted which means that the majority of those ranked 1 are rejected. If 96 percent are top 10 percent of thier school, then the other 4 percent are those that go to really prestigoius private schools that are really compieitive, or are recrutied athletes, Urms, or legacy…</p>
<p>Remember UPenn doesn’t care how what your school is ranked by U.S. News because U.S. news rankings don’t inculde private prestigous high schools where 30-40 percent of the kids go to ivys. If you go to this type of school and are not in the top 10 percent, then I guess your fine. UPenn doesn’t care if you go to a really “compieive” school, everyone says their school is compietive…</p>