How important is the interview?

<p>I applied not really knowing about the opportunity to have an interview, and at this point (beginning of February) its probably too late. Are interviews a big part of the admissions process?</p>

<p>According to CC’s Common Data Set, the interview is an “important” factor, along with GPA, rank, test scores, ECs, recommendations, and essays. The only “very important” factor is “rigor of secondary school record”. </p>

<p>Does that really mean an interview is as important as grades and scores? If your scores or grades are relatively low, and you present yourself well, then an interview might be an opportunity to boost your chances. It is a way to demonstrate interest in the school. But since it is not required, I doubt that not having one counts as a strike against an otherwise strong applicant.</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, my son didn’t interview and was accepted EA. So not interviewing definitely won’t kill your application. That said, an interview can be a great way of showing your interest and putting your best foot forward.</p>

<p>my son is a freshman and got in EA with NO interview. my daughter also got in this year EA and she did an alum interview. we feel that interviewing can’t really hurt your chances and can only help. if you applied RD it’s probably not too late to request an alum interview, it never hurts to ask, at least it shows your serious about being admitted. Good luck!</p>

<p>Wow lexdkr, two kids at CC back to back! Has your D decided to attend, and are there any more on the way?</p>

<p>tell me about it! she isn’t positive yet. waiting to hear from some other schools in April but she is pretty sure. One more in the future but not sure CC is a good fit for her, but have time to worry about that later thank God!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses!</p>

<p>Definitely take advantage of an interview. I remember mine like it was yesterday. After the interview I was walking around campus with my mom and we ran into the admissions interviewer who also happened to be the person in charge of my state and first reading of my application. She walked over to my mother and said she was sure that I was exactly what CC was looking for. I think this was one of the few schools where you could develop a relationship with the adcom which seemsed very unusual to me at the time given my other experiences. I still like it when I run into her on campus.</p>