how impressive is a upward trend?

<p>hey guys summer is here and im done with my junior year..BUT..i do have one nagging question. My GPA is on the low side with a 3.68 UW but my GPA has increased significantly each year: Freshman (3.33 UW) Sophomore (3.71 UW with 2 AP's) Junior (4.0 UW with 4'APs). My SAT score was 2000 and i am instate.</p>

<p>So my questions are, is the upward trend going to help me and what are my chances for VT?</p>

<p>Upward is ALWAYS a good thing, and yes, it is looked at - I know this because my 2nd son’s GPA was borderline, and the admissions person told S that they did look at each year (and specified where his problem was - a weak 10th grade year). Congrats on a perfect junior year!</p>

<p>An UW GPA above 3.6 looks great, BUT it depends on what VT’s “cutoff” is for your particular school. This is where your guidance counselor can help you. They should have some idea of the minimum GPA from your school that any particular school will accept. I do know that students from the northern VA schools are expected to have higher GPAs than those from say, the SW part of the state. It also depends on which college you want to enter - engineering and architecture are harder to get into.</p>

<p>Colleges definatly look at upward trends, especially if they are as significant as yours. However, for VT, it shouldn’t matter as your GPA (even not considering the upward trend) is more than good enough to get in.</p>