How impressive is subject test 800?

<p>How impressive is a subject test 800? Do you guys think "Oh, that's good" or is it actually impressive?</p>

<p>It’s good, but not impressive (esp at top schools). Naturally, people will take subject tests in subjects that they are good at.</p>

<p>For example, Mat SAT subject test: see [Good</a> Math SAT Subject Test Score - What’s a Good Math SAT Subject Test Score - Math 1 and Math 2](<a href=“]Good”>What is a Good Math SAT Subject Test Score in 2019?). Math 1’s 800 is 99 percentile but Math 2’s 800 is only 90 percentile.</p>

<p>Depends on what you got 800 in. Obviously Math 1 800 is not impressive. Math2, Bio, and Chem are more so. I’m not sure about the History or Literature ones.</p>

<p>Actually I’m not entirely sure if an 800 on Math II is more impressive than on Math I, judging by percentiles. In reality, for the elite colleges, neither is really that impressive.</p>

<p>800 is a good score but many applicants to top colleges have 800 subject test scores. I looked it up several years ago but I don’t remember the exact numbers. For SAT, very small number of students get 2400, maybe 1-2 percent. For subject tests, a lot of students get 800, maybe 10-20 percent. Again I don’t remember the detail percentages but I was a little surprised at the difference.</p>

<p>Depending on the subject test, it ranges from about 15%-1% (except on some langauge tests) who get 800s. These numbers can be very misleading. For example, math 1 may have a much steeper curve, but the questions are also much easier. And also, less people get 800s, because the “really smart” math people all take Math II. Math II, on the other hand, is not even close to “easier” or “less impressive” to get an 800 (this is for you MITer94). Although 15% get 800, the only people who take math II are the people who are really good at math (they’d also probably get an 800 on math I if they actually took it).</p>

<p>Elite colleges pretty much expect at least one 800 (or very close) on subject tests.</p>

<p>And also, BusyMei, only about 110-150 people out of 1.5 million people score 2400, which is way less than 1-2%.</p>

<p>800s on the actual SAT are way more impressive than on subject tests. (<1% get 800s on either Math, CR, or Writing, unless your Asian, in which case ~2% get 800 on math)</p>

<p>It depends on which test for colleges, but they are all impressive to me.</p>