<p>I got accepted Warren College- UCSD biochem/chem. How is biochem in UCSD.
I know UCSD is famous for its biochem, but I want to know in detail. Also, how is social life in UCSD???</p>
<p>i’ve posted extensively on that major, so you can look through the archives if you want. but if you want specifics, just post your questions here :)</p>
<p>in short: it was awesome.</p>
<p>I have really great chemistry professors so far. Chemistry teacher-assistants are kind of disappointing for the most part. Most, but not ALL, science and math classes are based on curve, so one thing i realized is that it can be HARD competing against people who took AP chemistry. Of course, hard work = success. I’m only a first year biochem so that’s all I can say about that. </p>
<p>Your question wasn’t that specific so ill keep it somewhat general.</p>
<p>Social life depends on you as a person and how you get your work done, discipline, etc.</p>
<p>If you balance study and play. there’s time for everything. I have plenty of time for suitemates, off campus activities etc. I’m not an owl, so I do homework in the mornings (rare for college kids, since many can’t even wake up before 10) and study in the afternoons. Night-time is my free time, but for many, that’s when they begin to work. So again, it depends on you.</p>
<p>Yes, there are stressful time. Yes, there are days when i just study, but even with that said, I’ve always been able to squeeze in time to chill.</p>
<p>I’m a first year as a biochem-bio major so I haven’t taken any upper-div classes, but so far its pretty awesome. I’ve had Johnson for the chem 6 series and she teaches all the concepts much better than the teachers I’ve had in hs. </p>
<p>Social-life is pretty good. Just don’t do all your cramming during finals week or w/e. Do it a week in advance and you’re good to go.</p>
<p>I got in biochem/chem, too, only in ERC (the reqs… oops, but I think I can handle them). What courses are you guys taking so far/what will you take in the future (ex: chem, bio, then biochem or just more higher div chem classes?) What sorts of people flourish in the biochem/chem major? Good study habits, strong background in Chem necessary, interest in Chem more than in Bio or the other way around?</p>
<p>I finished my major after 3 years and a quarter, pretty much by following the “finish in four” plan and adding a few tweaks here and there. In that time I also added in some extra electives that I found interesting – no need to worry about these now, you’ve got plenty of time. As for “flourishing,” that’s a pretty broad term … I was friends with those who were ranked in the top of the major, I hovered around the above-average group, and knew those who were below as well. We were generally a pretty happy bunch, and all wound up going to medical, pharmacy, or PhD programs. A smaller number entered the workforce directly.</p>
<p>You should be more interested in chem than in bio … because if that’s not the case, there’s another major designed for folks like you. </p>
<p>Good study habits are probably a good idea, but I was never much of one for sitting in the library. I much rather preferred last-minute cramming :)</p>
<p>i’m a first year biochem/bio major at warren college and personally i love it here! i think it all depends on how social your hall/ floor/ suite is. my ra’s hella chill and likes his residents a lot and kinda turns the other way when there’s parties involving drinking on my floor. in addition, warren res halls have study lounges on almost every floor so that helps a lot in terms of meeting people in your hall/ floor. plus, there are basketball courts located in between harlan and stewart halls twd the canyon and that’s where i met most of my good friends also, there are two beach volleyball courts next to stewart residence hall and a huge lawn dubbed “warren lawn” right next to the vball courts where people play pickup soccer games, catch, sunbathe, picnic, even bbqing or whatever. i mean, everyone at warren is very friendly in my opinion and i think that warren has the homliest residential community and my high school friends that live in other colleges who come to visit me also tell me the same thing. certainly come to admit day, you’ll see what i’m talking about =) also, the food isnt that bad. i have to say that the breakfast is probably the best out of all the dining halls and the lunch and dinners are aite. it depends on the day, somedays the food is hella good on other days its ok. right next to the dining hall is a litle convinience store called earl’s place that’s open till 1 am everyday that has literally EVERYTHING. it even has “starbuck’s” coffee that’s open till 12 am. it’s the only convenience store on campus that’s open this late so people from other colleges venture here as well. all in all, i love warren
and you can always find stuff to do if you know where to look for it ;)</p>
<p>also, in regards to the major, for biochem/chem you have to take the 20 series (math for engineering and science students) A-E (unless you test out of A and B). I was initially biochem/ chem but changed to biochem cell bio cuz i dont like math too much and biochem/ chem has wayyy too much emphasis on chem than i’d like so i switched to bio chem cell bio cuz the required classes are more interesting to me than the biochem/ chem ones.</p>
<p>not true, it’s only math 20A - D. and if you’re a revelle student, it’s only one more quarter than the college’s minimum requirement. even my art-majoring suitemate managed to get through 10A - C, so if you’re a science major, you shouldn’t be complaining :)</p>
<p>20D isn’t too bad. You still get the AP&M tutors and Oasis (I think). Other people also tutor 20D and 20F for a small fee (like myself :D).</p>
<p>How close do you get with the people on your floor in dorms? Is it really antisocial where no one talks or do you guys go places and hang out?</p>
<p>Case by case.</p>
<p>What was your personal experience?</p>
<p>My suite was pretty close. My house (Muir Tenaya) was very clique-y.</p>
<p>I’m going to be in Muir!</p>
<p>What types of cliques?</p>
<p>The common kind.</p>
<p>like in Mean Girls? haha</p>
<p>That’s some.</p>