How is class rank calculated?

<p>If there are multiple people with the same GPA, how does that work? For example, if two people are tied for rank #1, does that mean there is no rank #2 and it just goes straight to #3 for the person with the next highest GPA? Or do both people get rank #1 and the next highest is rank #2 and so on.</p>

<p>I previously though it would work so that even if people had the same GPA, there would be a number assigned to everyone, but this method makes sense as well. It would, however, really hurt someone if they have a good GPA (3.95 for instance), but if tons of people have a 4.0, they are put down significantly.</p>

<p>This may vary from school to school, so I'll probably need to ask my guidance counselor, but just wondering how other schools operate.</p>

<p>In my school, if two people are tied for #1, then there would be two valedictorians. The person who had the next highest GPA would be ranked #2, and so on.</p>

<p>My school's scale is out of 100, so a tie is virtually impossible. I'm honestly not sure how a tie would work, but I think Strength of Schedule may come into play (Honors vs. Regular, etc.)</p>

<p>The rank at my school is based on a weighted GPA with AP and honors classes weighted more than regular classes. We have a 250 student class, so I'm guessing a tie occurs quite often and would hurt your rank by 2-3 each time it occurs.</p>

<p>my school is strange; class rank is determined by number of credits, not GPA.</p>

<p>We use weighted averages out of 100 and have a class of ~120 each year, so I'd imagine ties are quite rare. I'm not sure how they're handled.</p>