I want to become a life-long language learner. I am in a quandary because Cleveland State offers a linguistics program, but isn’t nearly up to my level of academics from what I’ve heard. I am an Ohioan and I am willing to pay for a better education. Do some of the professors in the Cognitive Science department have an interest in/ teach linguistics? Any thoughts on the cognitive science department? How about foreign languages in general? Would I be better off with superior academics or ideal curriculum, or does CWRU offer enough linguistics classes to facilitate my goals and achieve the best of both worlds?
The graduate program in linguistics at Case is ranked 8th in the Nation. Plus look at the foreign languages you are interested in and see how many courses/professors they have for that dept.
Looks like Mark Turner http://markturner.org/courses.html teaches Linguistics courses.
I would suggest contacting the department head and asking your question.
Thanks for the link! That 8th ranking is impressive, hopefully it will rub off on the undergraduate world! I’m really favoring Case over Cleveland State just because of the reputation and amount of professors in the departments.