How is Geneseo?

I have just been accepted into Geneseo and wondering how the school is. Is the food decent enough to eat, how's the wireless, are people friendly, and how is the campus?</p>

<p>I am really worried about how the dorms are and what kind of Pre-Medical help they offer.</p>

<p>Thanks you to anyone who answers these question for me.</p>

<p>hi, I was accepted to Geneseo as well, but before I found out that I was in I was able to get in touch with a student there through the admissions office, so if you want you could try that route as well. The student I talked to had this to say about the food:</p>

<p>“The food on campus is fairly good as a whole. Depending on where you get placed on campus, there are several dining halls to choose from. During the day, they each serve different kinds of food, such as a sandwich stand, a grill for hamburgers, or even Italian food. For dinner time, there is also the option to do “All-you-can eat”, which offers several different kinds of food and as much of it as you want.”</p>

<p>also check this out: </p>

<p>[What</a> am I supposed to be asking!? | Voices from the Valley](<a href=“http://sunygeneseo.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2011/08/23/what-am-i-supposed-to-be-asking/]What”>What am I supposed to be asking!? – Voices from the Valley)</p>

<p>[Breakfast</a> Club! | Voices from the Valley](<a href=“http://sunygeneseo.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2011/09/06/breakfast-club/]Breakfast”>Breakfast Club! – Voices from the Valley)</p>

<p>I’m going to Geneseo and have a few siblings who have gone there. From what I’ve heard from them, the foods pretty bad but for me, that’s not much of a deciding factor. As for the campus, its beautiful. I’ve been up there in both the fall and the spring, and the grounds always look well kept and it always seems like they’re updating buildings. I personally am hoping to be put into the freshman dorms, just for the fact that it will be easier to meet people. Hope this helped!</p>

<p>Yeah, I do not really care much about the food. I plan to join a substance free dorm. I am going to be transferring, though. Can you ask your siblings how the tutoring was, even though I am sure it has probably improved since they last attended. The college I attend now has a nice tutoring center and I’ve come to love it, so I’m wondering how Geneseo’s is.</p>

<p>Hey, I’m a sophomore here. The food is alright, the only thing is it gets repetitive. The wireless is a hit or miss. The people are friendly and the campus is beautiful. The dorms are really nice/big compared to my friends at other schools. I’m also bio/pre-med. They offer a lot of help and tutoring, office hours, and SI sessions. Feel free to ask anymore questions.</p>

<p>What dorm would you say is the best? Dorms have wireless or no? Does it depend upon which hall? I hear Jones is the best.</p>

<p>For freshman dorms there’s Onondaga and Jones. I was in onondaga and I liked it a lot. It’s nicer but it’s far from classes. Jones is older but it’s right in the middle of campus. Everywhere on campus is wireless. If you want a really nice dorm you should apply to the writers house or the eco house.</p>

<p>Okay, new information. Much appreciated.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information.</p>

<p>Anyone else goes to Geneseo that can tell me how it is for them?</p>