How is GPA judged when student has changed schools 4 times?

<p>I am a junior in high school and I have transferred high schools 4 times.
I really don't understand how'd they consider the major grade deflations and inflations at each of the schools.<br>
I decided that I should do well on standardized tests so that adcoms actually have something reliable to judge me on. but UC's are very GPA-centered, I've heard.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'd like to know if I should even bother to apply to Berkeley and SD.</p>

<p>Stat summary so far:
SAT: 2260 - 700M, 760CR, 800W (will retake for better math)
UC GPA currently: 3.8
UC GPA w/ Summer: 4.11</p>

<p>ECs (chiefly/all out of school, because of transferring too often)
Cabrillo Academy: Fencing (2 years)
Taekwondo (6 years, I teach there too)
Piano (9+ years)
Swimming (2+ years)
Painting (many oil paints, using some to submit for private schools)
San Diego Sierra Club: Volunteer work, informational meetings, promotions, etc.</p>

<p>Volunteer hours: 200-300 hours (i have 200, may work another 100 this summer)</p>

<p>AP exams with no scores, but I know I did well 4/5 on every one.
Biology, USH, Calc BC, Chem (self studied Calc BC and Chemistry)</p>

<p>SATII: about to take Biology, MathIIC and Chemistry in June. I know forsure 700+, but I am aiming for 750+ each.
Senior year = SATII: Physics and Literature. 750+, especially on Literature, as I took a practice CB test last week, and scored 760. It's a subject that I'm comfortable with, however, so I can save it for senior year, whereas chemistry and biology I may forget things.</p>

<p>Summer outlook:
Community College: Physics and Political Science
NUVHS: two sem of AP literature, AP language. three sem of CALC (A/B/C)
^definite GPA boosters here to account for sophomore year.
Self studying Calc III so I won't be blown out taking Multivar and CALC IV Senior Year</p>

<p>Anyway, sorry for the long-winded post. UCSD is my first choice school, and even then my stats are iffy. Is applying for Berkeley even in my range?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - ‪Applying to UC: The Personal Statement 2007‬‏](<a href=“Applying to UC: The Personal Statement 2007 - YouTube”>Applying to UC: The Personal Statement 2007 - YouTube)</p>

<p>I’ve posted this link many times because I think it’s so helpful in understanding how the UC’s look at candidates. Take the time to watch it and you will probably feel better about your chances. You will have the chance to explain your unusual high school record in your personal statement.
Good luck to you!</p>

<p>thank you very much. i am currently watching it. it’s really taking me out of this dump i’m in about college admissions.</p>

<p>once again, thank you!</p>

<p>thanks gumboy! haha nice name. i’ve switched because my family’s moved houses for security reasons, and here, switching districts means switching schools, even if in the same city. i also used to attend catholic private, but tuition became way to hard to pay. so we switched for another, but because of their low incoming students, they also raised tuition and we had to leave again. reasons like that. :/</p>

<p>As far as stats ranges at UC, you can check [University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“”> .</p>