How is living without a car in gainesville?

<p>I live in Miami and i'm used to just getting in my car when ever i want to and leaving. I'm planning to be without a car for 3 years and it seems pretty tough...Any inputs?</p>

<p>My son is also without a car. He gets rides with his roommates who do have cars when he needs to and there is a free bus system that will take you from campus to shopping centers. It’s very do-able.</p>

<p>It’s doable, because you can use the bus system or just mooch off of rides from friends, but it sucks sometimes, not going to lie. For me, I hate relying on other people to get me places.</p>

<p>+1 for doable.</p>

<p>I’ve had a car the entire time I’ve been at UF, was without it for a while after it broke down, and felt like I’d lost a leg. Don’t be fooled: it’s definitely an inconvenience. But it’s doable.</p>

<p>Yea I dont have a car either, and it doesnt stop me from getting from A to B. Its not easy sometimes, but once I start living off campus I’ll definitely get one.</p>