How is my IB looking for Computer Science in U.S

Just purely in the lense of my IB. Do I have an edge? I know it depends on the college, rigor&prestige of college, my SATs, GPA… but just on average w/out this other stuff.
People say if you have a 40 or above you should send to U.S colleges, but once you hit a 39 the don’t… this sounds arbitrary… is this true?

Note: Yes I know predicted grades don’t mean a whole lot since they’re just predicted and not actual, but this is how the admissions works I guess…

Taking 3 HLs (Math, Physics, Econ).
Taking 3 SLs (Business Management, English, Japanese).

Predicted Grades are:
Math (5… yes I will try to improve to a 6).
Physics (7).
Econ (7).
English (6).
French (5).
Business Management (7).
TOK will probably get a (2) since thats the average for IB students.

Note: predicted 7 is the highest and hardest to get for the subject. Mine all adds up to a 40 if my math improves from 5 to 6 which is good… I took rigorous classes like math and physics HL otherwise i could have gone full on liberal arts (easy classes for me) and just get a 45/45 IB score, but I took the harder route with more rigor especially since I’m doing CS and going for 40/45 which is still really good for IB I heard.