How is my school viewed in the US?

<p>I'm in the second year of my Physics degree at Imperial. I know the university is quite well regarded in Europe, but how about the US? I am desperately wanting to move to the US after graduation. Do you think it fares well with employers, especially IBs and Hedge funds? I also have a couple of financial internships under my belt...</p>

<p>Many thanks</p>

<p>Someone must have some thoughts on this?</p>

<p>Never heard of it.</p>

<p>me neither...</p>

<p>I find it amusing the so many people are planning to work in America for investment banks (ie "deal makers") and hedge funds - when the actual universe of people actually working in the this industry is very very small</p>

<p>I should point out that banking and investment banks are completely diffrerent, with banking having far more people working in that industry</p>

<p>In America, Imperial College of Medicine has some name recognition, however the regular university not very much - although its reportedly a good university</p>

<p>Investment banks in America generally get most their recruits from MBA programs at 5 or 6 of the top MBA programs along with some of the top law schools [-and now and then some quants out of MIT and CAL Tech</p>

<p>sorry, but I haven't heard of it at all either....</p>

<p>I've heard of it, but I couldn't tell you that much about it.</p>

<p>I've heard of it, but I don't think I count since I'm in a former British colony (Malaysia). I can't say much about it either, unfortunately, except that it's part of the University of London. A teacher of mine was encouraging me to study law there. :p</p>

<p>I've heard of it, but that's because I know someone who went there.</p>

<p>imperial is a top science's like the MIT of europe......</p>

<p>Whether or not a bunch of high schoolers have heard of your school or not won't really help you, because our opinions really don't matter. Chances are, the people who DO matter (employers) will have a completely different opinion about it.</p>

<p>johnleemk they don't even do law... it's a science/tech university</p>

<p>i can't believe no one's heard of it.. i find it curious.. it is one of the premiere institutions to study science in the world...</p>

<p>Citation, I never asked what investment banks are. Trust me, I am well aware.. I have an offer for a full time graduate entry job at GS when I graduate.. I'd rather just go to America..</p>

<p>Most educated employers in the US, I'm sure have heard of Imperial.</p>

<p>Crap, got it confused with another college of UOL. Sorry! I think it was King's College I was thinking of.</p>

<p>But Imperial College does have a good reputation here, you can be assured of that. I think part of the reason I had it confused is because one of my classmates who takes law dreams of studying at Imperial College - she's planning on doing architecture, though.</p>

<p>I am not sure how valuable European degrees are in the US. My friend's sister graduated from London School of Economics, wanted to come to the US, but didn't get a good job. She is doing well in UK now.</p>

<p>Sorry, but I never heard of it.</p>

<p>I don't know much about it either. UK schools people know about in the US: Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics.</p>

<p>But I came across a London Times ranking that's recent and Imperial is ranked 4th worldwide for universities in technology so it must be quite a place:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>They also ranked it 9th in the world this year.</p>

<p>the only problem with imperial is doesnt have the endownment most ivies, MIT, Caltech or even WUSTL has.................. UK colleges dont hav the financial resources US colleges have..take oxford as an example..harvard's endownment is 7 times that of oxford, princeton is 5 times that of oxford.........</p>