How is OCU academically?

<p>OCU is in my Son’s top 2 schools, but he’d be a Psych major. (This is the only place I can find anyone else who has ever heard of OCU).</p>

<p>I like the school a lot but have concerns about the academics. What are your views?</p>

<p>My D is an MT major and she had most of her gen eds out of the way before getting to OCU (HS dual credit classes), but she did take an honors psych class last semester that was pretty challenging. The honors class was the only one that would fit in her schedule; she would rather have had an easier class to fulfill that requirement, but she is an excellent student and capable of doing “honors” work. I don’t think OCU is a blow-off school academically.</p>

<p>My D is a Soph VP major and has taken at least 1 Gen Ed per semester. And she is a National merit Scholar so academics can be easy. I do not think anything has been a “breeze” so far. With OCU’s small class sizes it is really hard to get " lost" in a class. I do feel that OCU has challenging academics for students. SHe was in the Honors program as well (although decided against staying in it due to schedule conflicts each semester). fF your son wants to be challenged, that is something to look into for sure.</p>

<p>Good luck!

<p>Hi there, do any of you know anything about the Musical Theatre graduate program?? Thanks! =)</p>

<p>katip…you really should start a new thread on the MT graduate program so as to garner more attention to your question and to keep the threads better organized.</p>

<p>EDIT…I see that you did start a thread on the graduate program. That is where that discussion should take place.</p>