I’m going to a college in New England in the fall. I have a high probability of getting a single for my freshman year, which I’m really excited about! My question is, is packing for a single going to be any different than packing for a double? How large are singles normally, and can I get away with packing a little more clothes. (Not a whole lot, but a little over two weeks. I can’t come back to switch clothes because of how far away I am and that I’ll need warmer clothes within the first week of the semester) Thanks so much!
The dorm rooms I’ve seen are small and singles seem to allow the same square feet per person… (I’ve seen bigger rooms in the south.) I would not count on being able to pack much more if you get a single. If possible, try to have some money instead so that you can buy what you might need, either locally or from Amazon with the prime student account.
Another thing to consider is that you have to re-pack it all at the end of the school year and either store it or get it back home. Travel light if possible,
Take less clothes than you think and then bring more back at fall break/Thanksgiving if you have room
You can loft your bed and have plastic tubs underneath for additional storage in a single or a double. But, I agree with the general advice to try not to pack too much. Whether moving it, storing it, taking it home or shipping it: The less the better.
All of this is really good to know, thank you so much!
At Brown, the closets/dressers are the same whether it’s a single or a double (a double just has 2 of each). On a sq foot basis, I agree with TQ that there is no noticeable increase per capita from double to single. From a clothing perspective, it will make no difference.
If you want a microwave and mini fridge you’ll have to bring your own rather than share with a roommate. My daughter has lived in a one room quad, a single, and a double. She’s had pretty much the same amount of stuff in each. She can’t travel to swap things in and out. It is put in a storage unit all summer.
One hint - sell your excess stuff when graduation is near. As a student, I bought a small used TV and mini fridge from someone who was graduating. I sold the fridge two years later for what I paid. Perfect and no cross country hauling.