How is Purdue physics?

<p>I am a Michigan resident and am looking for some more schools to apply to. I would be applying for physics, but not with much confidence. I always sway between engineering and physics, but I've been applying to schools with physics as my major. So how is Purdue's physics program? I understand that their engineering is awesome so that is a bonus for me in case I end up majoring in some type of engineering. How does it stand up against Michigan State, University of Michigan, and University of Minnesota? Those three are pretty much my only other options at the moment.</p>

<p>On a side note, is OOS tuition worth it in my situation? I would have to talk it out with my parents to make sure that it would be affordable, but if so then would it still be worth it if I could save money staying in state or at Minnesota? Do they give much aid to OOS students?</p>