<p>Hi guys, just wondering. I am a senior and will be applying soon. I'm asking about UCR especially (also made a topic on the General UC forum about this) because I think I have the greatest chance at getting into here.</p>
<p>How is the business school at UCR? Is it any good, and how does it compare to the other UC's? I'm planning on becoming an accountant when I graduate, or doing something of that sort, so I'm wondering if UCR will be a good stepping stone for my future career aspirations?</p>
<p>any help would be greatly appreciated. :)</p>
<p>The business school is now called SoBA, School of Business Administration. (ucr now has 4 colleges, cnas, bcoe, chass, and soba)
honestly, asking “how good is this school” is not a question that can be properly answered. ranks and numbers can never truly represent who well a college performs. note that we are a fully accredited business school, and are one of two UCs with a business program (irvine still lacks accreditation). I left all my notes at work, however i can fill you in with more numbers and facts later on, i had a meeting with the director of soba earlier this week. I’ll just leave you of with this tonight, that if you want to become an accountant, this would be the spot! we crank out more accountants than even Cal. If you want a solid education in the realm of business at the UC level, this is your spot! </p>
<p>ps, a story i like to share with many of the gusts that visit r’side A friend who just graduated, did an internship her jr summer with Ernst & Young and was signed on right then and there, so after having graduated at the beginning of summer, she is now at NY working for the firm! and this is just one example, business is all about networking, and with the education you get here you for sure get to show it off to your networks
<p>pss, as a science major i bag on pre-business majors
hahhah but total respect for the bus-ad students (you apply into business admin major in soba, you start as a prebusiness in chass)</p>
<p>thank you very much for the response! :)</p>
<p>so i take it that UCR is probably one of the better, or amongst the top UC’s in business/accounting? how easy is it to get work upon graduating, and how successful are most graduates?</p>
<p>if im planning on majoring in business and becoming an accountant, UCR would be a better fit than UCI, right?</p>