How is the Computer Science Undergraduate Program at the University of Richmond?

I am aware that the University of Richmond has a solid academic reputation overall as a school. I have positive feedback regard their undergraduate business program. I have not heard much regarding their undergraduate computer science program. Is it mediocre? Is it rigorous? Do the graduates get competitive jobs? In a sense, can someone comment on how does the undergraduate program computer science program at the University of Richmond compare to elite undergraduate computer science programs?

Thank you in advance.

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I know this question is over a year old but curious if you ever got any more info on the CS program at Richmond? We visited for admitted students day a couple of weeks ago. Son loved it but we noted that none of the 15+ tour guides majored in any STEM program (it is a liberal arts school but we figured at least one would be a CS major). Afterwards we researched and it sounds like VERY few students major in CS there. Seems like only one tenured professor and a couple of assistants/adjuncts but I may be misreading that. He’s moved on and is looking at other options but is disappointed as Richmond was the only campus he truly felt like ‘home’.