How is the dining services job?

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I'm going to be a sophomore living off campus and I need a job. I need to work at least 12+ hours a week in order to accommodate for my apartment rent fees. So I'm thinking about working at the dining hall (mainly D2/DX). However, I also applied for a BookHolders job position. I'm just not sure on what job I should really stick with. </p>

<p>I just quit my job at the Student Calling Center - it was way too stressful for me to handle. So I really need a job :)</p>

<p>Thanks guys</p>

<p>My friend who worked at Bookholders told me that it paid minimum wage and the hours get cut back after the initial rush. Dining is probably a better bet since it pays more, you have guaranteed hours, and also get a free meal for each shift worked.</p>

<p>I believe all the dining halls are hiring right now, but some have a higher need and will hire students faster. I believe Turner, Owens, ABP, D2 and maybe West End will get back to you fairly quickly.</p>

<p>I worked at Turner all year last year.</p>

<p>They’ll get back to you pretty quickly. I randomly ran into one of the managers just the other day and he said that they are looking for 100+ students for the Fall. So drop in an application and they’ll get back to you pretty quickly. </p>

<p>The hours, however, aren’t that good; and they even cut back towards the end of Spring. They pay $8.50 and I think everyone had to work a minimum of 8 hours a week. That kinda sucked if you need to pay bills. Luckily, students call out all the time so you were able to get hours that way if needed. </p>

<p>I think they’re upping the minimum hours to 12 hours so you may be able to just get buy. </p>

<p>Like financiallylost said, they do give you a free meal card. The card is only good for $7.50 and doesn’t apply to certain items. You must use it in 24 hours or else you lose it.</p>