How is the Earth and Environmental Science Program at University of Illinois-Chicago?

Hello everybody, let me provide a quick bit of background info. I have just finished up my freshman year of college at Iowa State University after originally studying chemical engineering. After a rough year, I decided to switch my major to Environmental Science.

My experience and time at Iowa State was not a good one. I did not really branch out and make any friends, and I spent most of my time in either my room, or hanging out with a friend from high school. I don’t know if all of this was due to covid restricting and limiting things, but I felt that the experience was subpar.

I am from the Chicago area and that is why I am considering of transferring to UIC to pursue a degree in environmental science. However, after struggling to make friends this past year, I am worried that this will be even worse at UIC since majority of the students commute.

If you guys have any insight to the program at UIC, let me know. Thanks

Didn’t you just post the same query in another thread, here: How is the Earth and Environmental Science Program at UIC?

Yeah I posted it here thinking more people would see it. The UIC threads looked pretty inactive.