How is the economics program?

<p>Hello, I am applying to both UF and UM this year. I want to go into banking, finance, and stock/investing and thus major in economics with a minor in mathematics to make sure I get all the essential math classes in. I know it is a competitive field, but I am set on this, and I want to make the most of opportunities. I have seen some career placement charts from graduates into the finance field, MBA schools, and grad schools in econ. UM seems to be better than UF, but I do not know. I honestly see myself at either school, and I feel very strongly that I will get into both. So it really comes down to which school prepares better for solid work experience/grad and business admissions. </p>

<p>Can any current students tell me their opinions on the economics program at UM vs other FL schools? I am in no way biased towards UM or UF at this point other than stereotypes and my own upbringing. Is the program known for being rigorous or giving students high GPAs? Any opinion or fact is appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you, I look forward to reading.</p>