<p>I'm not expecting to get that much financial aid because my family has a relatively high income. That being said, if I get accepted ED, will I have to pay the entire tuition+board+etc.? Will applying RD change much?</p>
<p>The amount of money Duke provides depends on your family’s situation (which includes a lot more than just your parent’s income). They also take other factors into consideration, such as your house, mortgage, number of kids in college, savings in the bank, insurance, etc. I applied ED and I received a pretty generous FA packet. I don’t think there would be a huge different in the numbers if I had applied RD. If you go to the FA website, you can get a good idea about how much you’ll need to pay and how much loans you’ll need to take out.</p>
<p>There is absolutely NO difference between the financial aid given to ED and RD applicants. There is a formula that they use regardless that they pretty much stand by except in extenuating circumstances (e.g. somebody loses a job, sibling graduates midyear, life threatening illness in family causing huge hospital bills, etc). They don’t give more to people who apply RD to try to persuade them to come to Duke. It’s even, don’t worry.</p>