How is the History dept at wellesley?

<p>I am currently a student at Bunker Hill Community College, and one of my professers suggested that I apply to Wellesley for the Davis Program. I am a History major, and just wanted to know if anyone had any opinions about the History Dept. Also does anyone know anything about the Davis Program?</p>

<p>I don't know a whole lot about the history program, but the Davis program is awesome. It brings non-traditional students to campus, and provides them with a happy comprimise between being isolated from the rest of school and having to be totally surrounded by teenagers 24/7 (unless they want to be). Wellesley offers housing and everything to Davis scholars, and they are part of all the same clubs etc. as other Wellesley students. It's really a great program that brings students with some amazing life experience to the school.</p>

<p>thank you, it sounds great for me, seeing as how I am 27 and sometimes feel out of place among younger students.</p>