<p>As I've been told, Carnegie Mellon has a great math program. Is this true?? I mean my career goal is medicine, and I can do the prereqs anytime... but i really enjoy theoretical mathematics/physics... also, I know that John Nash did his undergrad here so just makes it more worthy to go here.</p>
<p>Can anyone also tell me about the other faculties CMU is famous for? I am not a big comp sci guy...</p>
<p>It has great applied math</p>
<p>CMU’s strengths are mostly in applied math. Pure math is rather weak (you’d better off at a place like Princeton or Harvard).</p>
<p>I have a friend who’s a math major, but he’s gonna prolly change that to an accounting or something econ related. pure math is kinda useless. like I don’t know why people would take analysis if they didn’t it fun.</p>
<p>If you enjoy theoretical math you should consider the special programs. Which basically complete undergraduate math in like 2 years…extremely intense.</p>
<p>[Mathematical</a> Sciences, Special Programs](<a href=“http://www.math.cmu.edu/ug/ungrd/special.html]Mathematical”>http://www.math.cmu.edu/ug/ungrd/special.html)</p>