<p>While I’m not a music major (though I sometimes wonder about either double majoring or minoring in it, with the focus being either vocal performance or education. I already know beginning theory and some keyboard), I am heavily involved in my CC’s vocal music program (advanced choirs and intermediate/advanced voice classes) and would like to continue to be involved in music after transferring. So I would like to know how the music program (especially the choirs) are at UC Davis. For those of you who are involved in the University Chorus, what is the audition process like? I know you have to sightsing, but what are you given to sightsing? Are you given some time to peruse the music you’re sightsinging, or do you start right away? With my CC’s choir, I have to sing one page from a piece that the choir is covering that year, and I am only given a bar (that the pianist plays) before I have to start sightsinging, so that means during those first few seconds, I have to quickly figure out what the first note sounds like based on the measure using relative pitch). I also want to know whether the University Chorus singers have a specific black dress they wear (as in, everyone orders and wears the same dress) or if they all wear different black dresses. </p>
<p>I’m also wondering just how many people do become music majors at UCD, since UCD isn’t one of the schools well known for their music program like Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Long Beach, UCLA, or UCI (I’m only focusing on universities in California since that’s where I live).</p>