How is the new school year going?

<p>Just curious to know how things worked out for everyone. How are your classes and dorm assignments going so far?</p>

<p>S likes his suite in the quad, although is was pretty hot the first week. They had to wait several days for maintentance to make some repairs. Classes are fairly good. The only complaints I have heard are that three classes are discussing vectors (really boring) and that some of the math department teachers are unprepared and speak marginal english.</p>

<p>How is it going for everybody else?</p>

<p>My daughter's living in Tower A, and is pretty happy with things so far. She and her roommate get along well, go out together, and make forays down to the tenth floor where she says the engineering students live. No problems w/ air conditioning, tho I was very surprised to see that the windows in the towers actually open! She's altered her meal plan from 11 blocks a week down to 8. She's been using the bus. . .to get to Giant Eagle, and to South Side Works.</p>

<p>Classes. . . she doesn't seem overwhelmed tho she says she has a lot of reading. --taking Chem, Bio2, Linguistics, and Intro to Judaism. She had five classes, hated one, and dropped it. I don't think that's bad, as she transferred in 30 credit hours from AP and college courses taken in the summer. She has a mid-term coming up in about two weeks in one class. </p>

<p>So, summing up, so far, Pitt's been a good choice for her!</p>

hat some of the math department teachers are unprepared and speak marginal english.


<p>If you are talking about Jacob Burbea...encourage your son to drop after the first exam if he doesn't do well and retake it with another professor (I liked Mark Dickinson the best of those on the faculty). I took Burbea for Calc 3 the first time around and got a C- (that's over a grade level higher than after I stopped attending class) after getting solid A's in Calc 1&2. When I retook Calc 3 with Dickinson, I got an A-. To tell you the truth, I don't know what Burbea's natural language was, but it sure wasn't english (I'm thinking eastern eurpoean of some sort...but could be wrong)!</p>

<p>Just wanted to give you the heads up. W's aren't the end of the world and they can always be replaced with a good letter grade in the future.</p>

<p>PS: I'm an alum of the 16th floor of Tower A (lived there 6 years ago the time flies!)...</p>

<p>ophiolite, please see pm!</p>