How large are class sizes in the following departments?

Fine Arts
Computer Science

Are lower division classes large?

I’ve only taken CIS 110 here, and the class is pretty big. We have class in a tiered classroom and the maximum number of people in each section (there are 2 sections of CIS 110) is 199, but I think typically around 130ish people come to class. For CIS 120, it’s just one section with a maximum enrollment of 250 people.

I looked up the class sizes for MATH 103, 104, 114, and they all have class sizes of 160 people.

That being said, for CIS at least, you are required to go to recitation, which divides up the class into groups of 10 people, and the TAs reexplain some of the lecture material. For MATH, there’s also a recitation with around 20 people, but I haven’t taken MATH here so I’m not sure if the recitation is required or not.

I just looked up the classes for fine arts, and it looks like they’re fairly small, generally between 10 - 25 people!