<p>Final supplement for ED Cornell submitted at 11:58:05 pm. I really hope they don't see the exact time...</p>
<p>Last week baby! I had oral surgery and spent my recovery finishing up my EA apps, haha.</p>
<p>Ten minutes past the deadline, because somehow the parent information wasn’t all filled out, it must not have saved when I did it before! Ugggh!</p>
<p>okay. so massive panic attacak here. i submitted mine 11:59:15ish. when they mean by 11:59 do they mean like by 11:59:59 (essentially before 12:00) or 11:59:00. what if their little common app program isnt capable of doing seconds! </p>
<p>ohmygod. freaking computer lag.</p>
<p>youngvm: I don’t think colleges are that pesky. Plus not all clocks are universally-set so if they ask you can just say your computer clock was a minute off. :P</p>
<p>11:59 ED for Columbia. Do they frown upon that kind of last minute thing?</p>
<p>^ If they did, that would be a really really stupid way of disqualifying applicants. I will bet that they don’t :)</p>
<p>12:53 AM ET to U. Mich…but I think the reciept at the end said 9:53 PM PT. Wonder if I got it in on time for Early Response =/</p>
<p>October 30th at 2 AM for me (so essentially very early Halloween morning). I had my app done a few hours earlier, but it took me all that time to work up the courage to press submit.</p>
<p>11:28 pm est</p>
<p>I submitted mine 1 minute late because i had some error message with the CEEB code and my computer was automatically back on eastern standard time form daylight savings mode… so my computer said 11:00pm when I submitted it… but commmonapp said 12:01 AM</p>