How late is too late for Ridgecrest dorms?

<p>Title says it all. Although I’m really starting to prefer the university of Alabama over all the other schools I’ve applied to (vandy, WashU, tulane, southern methodist) I’m still very reluctant to make a commitment for some reason. If I want to be able to get into honors housing, how soon do I need to make my decision?</p>

<p>You need to submit your deposits soon. You can later change your mind, but you need to deposit soon.</p>

<p>It’s hard to say, as it’s a little different each year. And honors housing is changing for next year in that there will be suite and non-suite options available. That might affect things. You’re probably not going to hear from some of your schools until the spring - by then there will be no guarantee that you can get honors housing. You might luck out, but you might not. If it’s important to you, make the deposit now, or at least within the time frame where you’ll be able to choose your room rather than have Housing choose for you. It’s a commitment of a few hundred dollars, not a commitment to the school. When my D was a HS senior, she made her deposits in October even though she didn’t decide on Bama until March. Every year we hear of some kids who don’t deposit until April but luck out and still get honors housing, but I’ve also heard of kids who don’t get what they want. </p>

<p>Have you made your enrollment deposit yet? Is that the commitment reluctance you speak of? Because you can’t apply for housing until you have paid the NON-refundable enrollment deposit first. All but $25 of the $300 housing deposit is fully refundable (if you meet the deadline for said refund).</p>

<p>I always want to be in control of my own destiny, so I don’t espouse this suggestion, but keep in mind that you can always be ‘pulled into’ a dorm room by another student who DID put in their deposit earlier than you, and therefore has an earlier pick date than you. The trick is to find those people who have first/earlier pick dates and see if they are compatible roommates! :wink: But, if you want to be in control of your own housing situation, you should pay the housing deposit as soon as possible, as others suggest, to maximise your choices.</p>

<p>I would not trust the “pull in” method because I think at some point Bama Housing is going to have to change that. It’s not fair that someone who deposits in November may get shut out of a housing choice because someone who deposited in October pulled in 3 people who deposited in Dec.</p>

<p>I think Housing is starting to realize this and may alter this a bit…maybe get rid of pulling in people who applied late, or limiting each person to only one pull in person. </p>

<p>^ post #4: agree COMPLETELY! I have long maintained that pulling in others (who are late) is unfair on those who deposit early. Having been on the receiving end of being pulled in, I appreciate how generous of a policy it has been up to date. Your suggestions are good ones to solve the inequalities caused by the pulling in policy. I’m sure UA Housing will take note.</p>

<p>@aeromom‌ @mom2collegekids‌ so, in order to be able to choose my dorm, I first have to submit the enrollment deposit, and then the housing deposit? And the enrollment deposit is nonrefundable whole most of the housing deposit is refundable?</p>

<p>^ Correct!</p>