How long after applying did you/your student get a portal?

My son applied a few weeks ago and still hasn’t received a portal. Wondering if this is typical or if he should reach out? He did ea2

My D22 did EA1 and got the portal email within a day or two. Check your spam folder and then contact admissions.

Ok thanks. I will have him reach out. Says he has been checking spam, etc

Submitted 1/15 (Saturday night) for EA2 and received link to portal 1/17 (Monday).

Oh wow. Ok he applied before that

My friend said it took a few days to get a portal. Try to contact admissions board to get an answer.

Thanks, he actually did end up getting it!

when are the ea2 results out ?

March 1

on WPI website it says :
The Early Decision II deadline is January 15 , with a notification date of February 15 .

That is ED2. WPI also has a EA2, which says “by March 1.”

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I created a portal as soon as the email came out. Maybe a few days after I applied. However, WPI sent an email a week later to please create a portal. I had.
I changed my password and that did the trick

My high school sent my transcripts and Letters of Recommendation at the same time, right after I applied. Email comes from WPI, they need my Letters of Recomm. My GC and GO got a frantic email from me while I was up touring another school. They were calm and re- uploaded them and asked me to confirm with WPI in 24 hours. They got them finally the second time. That is a few hiccups from WPI we saw no where else.