<p>without sleep whilst staying conscious enough to fully understand your teacher's lecture?
I can't even without one day...eh.</p>
<p>Sigh, I can’t stay awake in school even with an appropriate amount of sleep (because a good amount one night doesn’t make up for a consistent lack of sleep.) It sucks, but I’m respectful to my teachers in general, and those who have noticed and commented have understood (“Someone didn’t get enough sleep over the weekend…”)</p>
<p>But yeah. I should work on this. Sleep is good, as is staying awake while teachers are talking. (:</p>
<p>Oooh, an interesting tidbit – 17-19 hours without sleep gives you a level of cognitive impairment equivalent to the degree you would have experienced had your blood alcohol level been .05, lol. Quite hefty imo…</p>
<p>Anyway, I can be completely focused from maybe 3 am to 9 pm, at which point I usually get rather woozy. So 18 hours. ;]</p>
<p>i can miss a night of sleep and not be in terrible shape the next day… it’s the worst in the afternoon, but i’m generally okay through 11 pm or so. luckily, i’ve never had to go two nights in a row without sleep. i have gone for 60 hours with 8 hours of sleep, though.</p>
<p>^ I go 96 hours with 9 hours of sleep about every week, lol, from Monday to Thursday. :(</p>
<p>Oh lol. You should get a program that blocks AIM from using the internet, or mess with it in your router settings (or like, the whole internet in general).</p>
<p>On a related note, I stayed up until 3:00 tonight, and never even tried to fall asleep during class. That is compared to last week, when two 1:30 bedtimes both had me essentially dozing off in AP Biology first period. And yeah, I’ve noticed that past 2:30 on a school night greatly decreases my abilities, although this is obviously not the case when waking up past noon during the summer or weekends.</p>
I thought it was like… 22 hours=4 shots, or something lolololol. I haven’t heard anything about this 17-19 hours [esp. because 17 hours of no sleep still puts you at 7 hours a night, which is quite all right IMO].</p>
<p>Hmm I wake up around 5:30, can easily “[stay] conscious enough to fully understand [my] teacher’s lecture” for probably 24 hours easily - BUUUUT don’t get me wrong, I get suuuper tired around 2pm, lol, although that perhaps is because I don’t ever get more than like 5 hours of sleep each night, sooooo.
If I’d kind of built up a steady sleep schedule of like 10 hours a night, I could eaaaasily stay up for like 40 hours and understand lectures and stuff. - But, after a week of only like 3 hours of sleep each night, I can’t remember ANYTHING, my brain is totally shot, and I fail tests and stuff. lol. NOT asian fail, I really fail. lol.</p>
<p>Lol, yeah, that was what I read in NG but if someone decided to ask for my source I wouldn’t have been able to easily produce it, whereas with the numbers I quoted I can give them a link, lol ([Moderate</a> sleep deprivation produces impairments in cognitive and motor performance equivalent to legally prescribed levels of alcohol intoxication](<a href=“http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1739867]Moderate”>http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1739867)).</p>
<p>I spent all of 9th and 10th grade going off of 3 hours of sleep every night, I turned out fine… Until 11th grade when I started crashing at 8:30PM. lol!</p>
<p>But I’ve been up for more than 48 hours and have been fine… A little cranky, but fine with plenty o’ coherent thoughts.</p>
<p>i dunno cuz i haven’t tried to consistently stay awake in class since like freshman year</p>
<p>I was falling asleep in class today after I got 7 hours of sleep the previous night.</p>
<p>i got about 2 hours of sleep per night for a month or two freshman year, it was really wild.</p>
<p>Haha going to sleep at 1:30am is pretty darn late for me. The latest I’ve stayed up is probably 2:30am.
Unless I go to bed at 11:30 or something, I’ll probably want to fall asleep in school anyways. Scratch that. I always want to fall asleep in my boring classes unless I have a can of Red Bull/Starbucks in the morning. Some classes are fun though (shocking. i know…haha)</p>
<p>I can’t concentrate/stay awake past 2 doing hw so I just go to sleep and try to cram as much as I can before school starts/during other classes. haha it’s worked pretty well so far!</p>
<p>I crash in swim practice, the waters all warm, I ache all over, but the water soothes my muscles, and I drift off… then water gets in my nose, I choke, my coach yells at me because I’m supposed to be setting an example as captain, and I miserably go back and forth, dying a little inside.</p>
<p>the latest ive ever gone was not sleeping at all…i didnt even have any work to do, my body had just gotten used to no sleep so i lay in bed for 4 hours before just giving up and taking a shower and making breakfast. Dali used to deprive himself of sleep so he could hallucinate.</p>