How long did it take for transcript to go from awaiting to recieved?

<p>Because I sent two on Oct. 22 and it still says awaiting. I also sent one two weeks also. Why are they not recieving mine =(</p>

<p>the same thing happened to me.
i sent my thing in WEEKS ago with my michigan app which got there and “recieved” on the 25th and MSU still hasnt gotten it.
i called the other day and they said that they prob have it there just in the middle of changing into a “new system” so everything is “taking a lot longer”
so annoying.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it, i sent it in around the time you sent it in, and on Thursday last week it said awaiting transcript, friday it changed to received, and now it says they’ve maid a decision and mailed a letter. Just waiting.</p>

<p>Mine’s taking way long too. My transcript and counselor form were hand-carried back by MSU reps who visited my high school and it still took like 2 weeks for my admission status to say the transcripts were received.</p>

<p>On top of that, all of the dates in that little chart showed that everything was received by 10/3, and my status just changed on friday 11/14 to “your application file is complete…there is no decision at this time” o.O</p>

<p>But yeah just wait for another week or so they’ll get it in eventually</p>

<p>When I sent mine, it took the website three weeks to say it was received. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.</p>

<p>still waiting
its been over a month now</p>

<p>@ lightening ^</p>

<p>If you’ve been waiting for the transcripts to show as received for over a month, definitely call them as soon as you can. I know they’re a big school with lots of applications right now but a month is ridiculous.</p>

<p>Also your HS counselor might have made a mistake. I applied to Wayne State Univ. at the same time as U of M, and the transcripts were sent at the same time. Michigan reported they had them, but WSU’s website kept telling me they didn’t. I emailed an admissions lady there, who looked into it for me, and she said my high school had sent all my Wayne State materials to Michigan by mistake (I’m not assuming this; Michigan had actually sent her a letter saying my stuff was sent to them on accident…lol)</p>

<p>actually about a week ago it was updated with the “item received date” of october 30th.
so apparently they had it for a while, it just took them a long time to update the account i guess</p>