<p>How long did you guys spend on your ENTIRE Stanford application? If you don't know, then just guesstimate. </p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>How long did you guys spend on your ENTIRE Stanford application? If you don't know, then just guesstimate. </p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Can someone please answer?</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>I’m a transfer student applying to Stanford. But, by the time I apply, it will be about 8 months. I would say that Stanford applicants spend many months on their applications, if they are serious. Stanford requires it, especially with their their transfer applicants (2 percent and under is a very small window). But yeah, when I understood that I belong at Stanford, I pretty much started brainstorming for essay ideas.</p>
<p>eh, i did all my college apps in 1 day (new years yay), so about 30 essays (for supplements)…so probably about 1 hour. and yes, i got denied =x, and yes, stanford was my top choice, followed by MIT (i think i spent like 40-50 min on the MIT essays <_< but at least i got waitlisted)</p>
<p>A few weeks. I hammered out my main essay in one night at 3AM when the creative bug struck, and the rest of the days were spent getting comments and edits. The other parts of the application take considerably less time, especially if you have a resume which has kept track of your high school activities.</p>
<p>^Mine was about the same time frame. It was my first application, so the apps near the end went a lot faster.</p>
<p>Yeah, I keep getting that “creative bug” lol at like 2 on the morning. Lol I got that last night in fact. But, I’m hammering out alls the kinks and making sure that what I give to Stanford represents me on the best way. So yeah. sorry to hear you were rejected
damn undergrad %</p>
<p>I spent months and was placed on the waitlist, but was never offered admission. You literally have a better chance of getting accepted than waitlisted…</p>
<p>I spent a few hours on the common app essays over the course of a few weeks. I spent about a day or two on the Stanford app itself - I didn’t dwell on the questions or anything; I just answered them truthfully and as I saw fit. Then I spent a couple hours editing it a few days later. It wasn’t really a big, time consuming ordeal, but I definitely took it seriously and put a lot of work into it.</p>
<p>Depends on what you define as spending time on the application. I spend a TON of time just thinking about what I was going to write about. For my intellectual vitality essay, I went through about a million topics in my head before I finally settled on two that I actually attempted writing about! I also spend a good deal of time (probably twenty plus hours in total) writing in a journal about ideas that interested me and eventually developed into essays. The actual writing of the essays probably took under ten hours for each, plus a few more hours for revision. Some (like the roommate essay and the common app activity short answer) I was more inspired on and took, from start to finish, around two hours. </p>
<p>Most of the actual essay writing was done in the two weeks leading up to submission day. Before that I was just thinking about it! I would guesstimate about 80-100 hours of actually <em>doing</em> something (filling out all the sections of Common App, writing and revising essays, double checking the app before submitting, etc.).</p>
<p>I did my actual writing for each essay in about an hour, plus another hour for editing. But yeah, I had a loose brainstorming process that lasted a few weeks. And it worked out for me :)</p>
<p>WOW! My S wrote his essays in about an hour. Honestly, he answered things truthfully, didnt try to make more out of his answers than there was. As parents we critiqued them for grammar and content. But as a whole it went pretty quickly. He was done in about an 1 and a half, at the most. He didn’t ponder it. His answers came from the heart.<br>
He got in, so I guess it worked.</p>
<p>His advice would be not to over think things. Go with your gut.</p>
<p>Congrats to him Dungareedoll!!! My S has Stanford as his 1st choice (2013 HS grad year). Would you mind sharing what kind of stats your S has?
Anything would help…and calm an over nervous Mom ;)</p>