how long does it take for all the FA forms to come out?

<p>my school deadline's just around the corner, and i'm not so sure how long it takes for all that 1040, spf, w2 stuff to come out. do they give it to you when you go to that cp something place???</p>


<p>You can file the FAFSA on 1/1/06. Your parents can file using their last paystub for the year (income) and their last year's tax return as a guideline. They will check the box stating that they will file a tx return for 2005. once they get all of their information, they can go back to amend the FAFSA with all of the information from 2005.</p>

<p>ahhh i don't know what that means....what's fafsa? i thought i was supposed to go to cpa or something like that...
i'm going to that place today, and how long will it take?</p>

<p>i just tried to file fafsa online, then they are asking me for my social security number. i don't have one (i'm a legal resident with an E2 visa)....what do i do?</p>

<p>FAFSA is the free application for federal student aid.</p>

<p>ooohhh i went to the cpa place. they gave me almost everything...i think. i just need a pfs. thanx!</p>

<p>You're actually paying an accountant to do your FAFSA?</p>

<p>People pay accoutants to do their taxes every year. Why are we so surprised that some people don't want to do the FAFSA and would otherwise have someone else do it for them?</p>

<p>my family only came to the states three years ago, and we have a business. we can't get the taxes done by ourselves....well, i don't know too much about these things anyway</p>