How long does it take to walk from Dwinelle to Etcheverry?

<p>Apparently I can't be late ever for my second class -_-</p>

<p>also the classes are back to back</p>

<p>Dwinelle to Etch is uphill. only way to make it is to run.</p>

<p>about 8 mins or so. i make it by walking.</p>

<p>8-12 minutes.</p>

<p>If you walk fast, you should be able to make it. Only problem is that sometimes profs end classes late…</p>

<p>Etch is off campus northside… and dwinelle is on southside.
Personally, it takes me like 5 min from 2050 VLSB to dwinelle 155… </p>

<p>It really depends on whether you wish to power walk/run everyday…</p>

<p>If it’s a lecture, you could always leave a few minutes early.</p>

<p>near 10 minutes walking if you’re good at it. :)</p>

<p>If you have to get to Etcheverry right on time, then it’s probably a smaller class which means the GSI/professor can easily be more human and give some leniency. Don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>What about from Dwinelle to Leconte?</p>

<p>Dwinelle to LeConte is easily doable in 10 minutes, but it’s up a slight hill, which can be annoying. You just walk past Wheeler, and cut across the grassy area around the Campanile, and you’re at LeConte.</p>

<p>Sweet, thanks! What about from Barrows to Evans? Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I’m freaking out because most of my classes are back to back and I don’t want my profs to hate me if I’m late all the time.</p>

<p>Barrows to evans is easy. Just take the stairs shortcut past wheeler</p>

<p>Get a bike. Anywhere around campus is reachable in 10 minutes. =)</p>

<p>Barrows to Evans is definitely easy, unless you have a class on a high floor of both buildings. That would suck.</p>