How long does it take you to write an essay?

<p>I'm wondering if I'm spending too long on my essays. How long does it take you guys to write a 200 word essay? 500?</p>

<p>Well, I can usually crank them out pretty quickly. For a 500 word essay, I would say 30 min maybe, plus a little more to go back and correct them. Thats not including if I re-write or anything.</p>

<p>Having said that, what works for me very well might not work for you. Some people take longer to write, others shorter. Its all about your style and what works for you, not someone else.</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents</p>

<p>Same as xenon, it takes me way longer to edit than to actually write.</p>

<p>whoaaaaaaaaaaa. i think im spending waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on mine. also, do you guys recycle essays or write a specific one for each prompt? because it doesn’t really feel right when i try to tweak them, for some reason.</p>

<p>i “recycle” mine, although i dont really think of it that way. a lot of the prompts are pretty open, so I use one essay as much as possible.
However, I am not going to do that just to save some time. If the essay doesnt fit into the prompt, just write a new one.</p>

<p>haha mine take forever…
mainly cause I think too much before I actually start writing</p>