<p>So....this awesome Monday night I just randomly happened to notice my post count. 390. Impressive.... And then I was like waiiit a second. How long have I been a faithful junkie of CC? Turns out over 2 years. Apparently I joined 9-8-06 (Ok, I know you can all see that) So that means I must have been a very very fresh sophomore. </p>
<p>So, I guess the point of this thread is: How long have you been a member? What grade were you in when you found CC? Has it helped you (especially if you've been a member for 1+ years) </p>
<p>For me personally CC has been a lifesaver. AP book recommendations, tips to study for the ACT/SAT, hilarious threads (read the Furby one) when I was feeling overly stressed. Basically everything a college-bound high schooler could ask for. And now I'm wondering how it has affected your lives. </p>
<p>Been here a good while, I joined as a freshmen (current sophomore). I told my counselor I wanted to go to an ivy league (this is her first year as a counselor) and she printed off the front page of collegeconfidential.com and I joined later. It has helped a lot. I come from a small area with few top school students. I’ve been talking to a student from my town (online) who is at Princeton now. </p>
<p>In particular I’ve learned:</p>
<p>-What Ivy league admissions is really like
-That self-studying exists
-Taking hard classes is a must even if you are alone in your classes
-Online classes are a viable alternative when one’s high school offers few advanced courses
-Graduating in three years is looked down upon
-EC’s are important but mostly intrinsically
-There is intelligent life out there
-High school is its own school, not just a pre-college program</p>
<p>Recently I’ve learned:
-The majority of CCers are from top high schools, the rest of us can possible get away with 2000’s-2100’s for Ivy leagues
-The SAT reveals a lot about US education we like to hide
-Those with seriously lower-than-cc-standards get accepted at top schools, do your best with your situation and be happy where you end up.</p>
<p>Been here since December of freshman year- current junior. </p>
<p>I followed a link to CC from another forum that I used to belong to - CC’s way better :)</p>
<p>Yes, CC has been a lifesaver for me.</p>
<p>I learned about
National Merit/ PSAT does matter
-that it is possible for multiple people to score above 30 on the ACT (My school has maybe one 30+ every five years)
-Possibilities of taking AP classes before senior year</p>
<p>EDIT: Wow, that’s a really warm-and-fuzzy post.
CC gave me the courage to go to my school and ask to be placed in more advanced classes (ex. Juinor Comp as a soph). Without that push CC gave me, I would be in Pre-Calc, regular Bio, and in Junior English classes instead of senior ones. </p>
<p>CC is also great for social crap, as weird as that sounds. It’s so nice for me to be able to come here and find other teenagers that have the same problems I do and the same interests.</p>
<p>I’m going to post and then edit because I don’t want to click my name ;]</p>
<p>edit: Hmmmm, march 2007… I was at the end of my sophomore year.</p>
<p>CC hasn’t really helped me much, as I think I made one or two posts and then forgot about it completely, only to pick up the account again after June '08 SATs. Even then, I knew most everything that CC could offer and only really posted in the HSL forum.</p>
<p>I’ve been on CC since April this year (2008, for future readers of this thread).</p>
<p>It’s helped me a little, but it’s mostly made me extremely anxious and like I wasn’t worthy of college, etc, etc because everyone here is RIDICULOUSLY qualified and I barely measure up to them.</p>
<p>But I’ve made some “friends” on here, so I’ve enjoyed CC a lot… and I’m definitely gonna still frequent HSL when I’m in college. lol.</p>
<p>Lol, June of 2008 I think [and way too lazy to click around and find my join date…], has only really helped me in the aspect that I discovered SAT II’s [which is bombed anyway? soooooo thanks a lot :D] and my future husband ;] lololololol.
Oh, and this is kind of a silly thread, because who is helped by the HSL section anyway? hahah. :]</p>
<p>Been on CC since December of 2008, hmm, I think I was a junior back then? I can’t remember.</p>
<p>Anyway I’m a junior right now. CC has definitely helped me with SAT stuff; that’s pretty much it so far but I’m sure it will help with AP tests and apps and all that joyous stuff come spring and next year.</p>
<p>I’ve also loved the O/T threads, they are good for easing stress :)</p>
<p>I found CC at the end of my sophomore year. It helped me TONS. I live in an area where elite colleges are considered just that: elite. They’re for rich kids from the East Coast whose parents pay for everything. So this site really helped to change my perception of elite schools. I probably wouldn’t have taken the SAT or the SAT II if it weren’t for this site. And I never would have found UChicago. </p>
<p>Probably most importantly, CC has shown me that there are other people like me. I’ve always thought I’m somewhat of a freak, but now I know I’m really not.</p>
<p>Member since: September 2006 (had a different name for about 5 months). I was a sophomore. I am now a senior. </p>
<p>What I learned on CC:
-Getting into a top school is everything.
-More kids than I thought don’t understand how well off they really are.
-Getting <1400 on your SATs is something to cry about.
-Self-studying is a good thing (hey! something good).
-Teens with an above-average intelligence believe that they know everything and refuse to take advice, even when they ask for it. </p>
<p>What I’ve learned recently now that I rarely go on CC (other than my future college’s section):
-There are excellent schools out there that are even <em>gasp</em> better than name-brand colleges.
-Getting into a “top” school is not make or break. It’s what you DO with wherever you go.
-Getting the mid-high 20s on the ACT is actually good! It’s well above average. </p>
<p>Well I think that’s it for now. </p>
<p>PS: Don’t get me wrong. I love CC. It’s just that I think there are very arrogant, but intelligent students on here who are sheltered from the world and think only in a one-dimensional way about life. It’s bothersome and I believe they are in for a shock when they are released into the big, bad world. The kids I’m talking about are the ones who cry when they only get a 34 or when they get an A- rather than an A, or those who assume that they are going to an Ivy, when they’re sophomores! </p>
<p>But I love the rest of you! (That sounds creepy).</p>
<p>Member since a day ago. I’ve read through stuff on here a couple years back, didn’t really care. Finally, with college approaching(senior year), my interest has finally blossomed.</p>
<p>Here are my pros/cons of CC</p>
-Some great PROFESSIONALS in the fields, they provide the facts we need to make wise decisions
-Loads and loads of information
-Helps motivate you(at least me) in order to put your best out. Every day.</p>
-Some dumb opinions made by people who do not know what they are talking about</p>
<p>I’ve had an account since last summer, but have read this board since mid-year sophomore year (current senior). This place is an invaluable source of information, but there are also some seriously skewed perspectives and one has to be careful what they believe/let affect them when reading this board.</p>
<p>After I found out my score for the Oct SAT…and I was searching on Google for some tips on what I should do next (retake or not) and I came upon CC! haha
and then I realized that my score wasnt as amazing as I thought =]
Joined in Nov!..last month. wow haha I already have 509 posts…wooow. (I was soo curious about everything when I just joined. Loots of questions. I guess I’m still kinda that way haha…so much stuff to learn on here)</p>
<p>Only been on here for like 2 months! But I’ve learned a TON of stuff
Mostly stuff about the college admissions process, apps, YALE, and test prep (SAT, SATII, and AP)
So far it’s been a GREAT help for SAT prep advice (tips and recommended prep books)</p>
<p>I guess the only thing I dont like is how inferior I feel seeing so many great scores and ECs and such. Especially when they’re rejected from a school that I really want to get into…haha</p>
<p>Been here since September of my senior year. At first I got all hyped up about things, but then realized that this was merely a sample of the top of the prestige ladder, and I didn’t need to obsess so much. Since then I’ve been more laid back about college, but still working hard and loving it =)</p>
<p>I joined at the end of October 2008, my senior year. I’d lurked for maybe a few weeks, tops, before that.</p>
<p>Part of me wishes I’d found CC sooner just because it was so great in helping with college stress. And even though I’d finished all my SATs/ACT by the time I came here, it would have been a good place to come to before them. </p>
<p>The other part of me, though, is glad I didn’t join until my senior year because it’s been taking up a LOT of time (time that I wouldn’t have been able to afford spending here frosh/soph/junior years). Haha.</p>
<p>But really, CC is great–despite the initial feelings of academic inferiority.</p>
<p>i joined during my sophmore year (last year) as well. i came upon this site while searching for sample sat essays. this site helped me alot.
i took a test here to find a suitable college that fits and loved the results i got.
i got a lot of great advice from here and learned alot from other people as well.</p>