How long should a student relax and vacation before re signing up for a Uni?

Good morning, users

I know a lot of students take one semester off to relax and enjoy some time off.

Do you think 1 1/2 years, is too much to wait, well not wait, I’m working 40 hours per a week and enjoying the time off as well. I feel a lot happier when my mind is off college.

After that time frame is up, I’m going back to re sign up for Uni.

Are you “relaxing and vacationing” or are you working? You say both…and there is a difference.

You never have to get a bachelors degree. Is your significant other on board with your current plan? That’s more important than what we all think.

In addition, you had absolutely no idea what you were going to get a college degree IN. You also were jumping from job idea to job idea. At one point you mentioned your SO bought a building for you to manage. Is that the 40 hour a week job?

But to answer your question…the longer you are away, the more difficult it sometimes is to return.

Perhaps if you took a normal courseload instead of a course overload, you would be in better shape. My free advice…you have frittered away a lot of time and money already. If you WANT a degree…continue now and just get it. If you don’t want a college degree, then forget about it.

And what major did you finally choose having taken these courses:

In Fall 2021 I’ve taken 20 credit hours

Linear Algebra
Physics 2
General Chemistry 1
Calculus 3
Differential Equations


Time off is important. Enjoy the time to relax and chill. Work in internships that you would like to pursue professions in.


This poster has taken significant time off already. Please look at past threads.


OP, if you’re that stressed by the thought of going back to college, maybe college isn’t for you. You do not need to complete college in a particular time frame. It’s important to realize though that the longer you take, the harder it is to stay motivated to complete the degree.

I’’d argue that for your future job prospects, any degree is better than none. Go to a local college, have a meeting with an adviser. Determine what coursework you’ve already completed will give you the fastest route to a degree. Then do it.

You will never regret getting a degree, but you might regret not getting one.

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I don’t have anything anymore, I zeroed everything out and sold it.

I already know what bachelor’s degree I wanna get, something I officially love and not worried about money or materialistic items, life is too short, I’m going to be super happy pursuing this path.

I’m working on exercising to build my body health and strengthen my body. I meant time away from school while I work, mixed up my English again.

Those classes were super easy. You know know what Associates degree I have :slight_smile:

I’m thinking of volunteering in my free time, like taking care of pets, I love pets :slight_smile:

Those past threads are in the past, that was just me confused and did not know which direction to pursue.

I stopped complaining, whining and learned to grow up into adult life. Thinking positive is the only way in life and giving back to the community :slight_smile:

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Sounds like you have once again asked and answered your own question all in the title and OP.

The course of action you have followed is largely contrary to the extended advice you had received in previous threads.

If memory serves you are a 30+ year old parent who has bounced through a variety of academic pursuits while living off the generosity of your dentist SO and sought CC advice on subjects ranging from socks, property management, and the ownership of large dogs. I suspect further advice wouldn’t be productive or followed so wishing you well given you appear to have already made the timing decision your title suggests you were asking about.


Then why bother to go?

A college or university education is not required nor mandated by society.

Your history here has shown your taking class after class, not based on the advice of any professional counselor, nor advisor, at a CC nor university, because apparently you knew more than them. Being stagnated with no direction whatsoever, isn’t a good use of your time nor a university’s time.

Now my interpretation may be off, but this is what I’ve gathered based on a lot of your frivolous posts. You want an education because you seem to think that “society” will only accept, regard or esteem you if you are a well-educated professional. If you get to a certain level of education, then you possibly will be seen/regarded/deemed by society as an “elite”. I think that’s what you assume but you don’t want to, or know how put in that effort. At a university you can’t argue your way into a major, you have to work. Your assignments are not just tests and reading. It gets tougher.

Piddling around in a community college, taking every course in their catalog is not the same as transitioning to a university degree. The amount of work it takes to get a university degree is difficult, time consuming and challenging because the universities are preparing you for a career. I think you’re realizing that. You don’t need a degree to be successful in this country. Don’t waste a community’s time because you think you have to have a degree.

Move on.

Take care of your kid (spiritually, emotionally, financially, etc.)

Take care of your pets.

And support your significant other who is supporting you.


My free advice. Finish college now. You claim to have taken 20 credits this term. Why stop now? Just get your degree and you will never have to ask this (repetitive) question again.

Just get it done.

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Generosity of my dentist. You got you’re words mixed up.

I paid all the bills and the all the tuition to make sure she gets her dream career. No spouse could afford to pay a high dental school bill, in a matter of months.

Go reread what I wrote, I don’t have assets anymore I’ve zeroed everything out now.

I will stop at this…

Then she decided she wanted to sell it and my other private assets I had, which I will not disclose. Every time disclose something users always get jelly about something and no worries.

Since the OP doesn’t seem to need or want input, closing thread.