How long should I wait before begining the transfer process

I applied to the Cornell biochem program and ,as can be told by my screen name, I was rejected. Now I am planning on attending UVM in the fall and I was wondering when I should begin the transfer process. I am also wondering if my odds would be boosted if I transfered to the CALS as a plant biology major.

It’s never too early to plan classes to make sure they transfer but I think I would apply during sophomore year to be a junior transfer

Give UVM a year. Do well academically, but also try to get the most out of your experience in other ways. Make friends, build relationships with profs, join clubs. Generally students are better off staying at one school for 4 years. Transfers often struggle socially, and you get better traction developing relationships with profs for research and recommendations if you can thrive where you got accepted.

Were you a CALS applicant in the first place?

Are you a NYS resident?

If you are a NYS resident, wouldn’t it make more sense to attend a CC like TC3 that has an articulation agreement with CALS?

No I am a vermont resident. I hear the CALS has a higher acceptance rate than the CAS