How long should my statement be?

<p>Hello, I read other posts and saw that a lot of you already wrote your essays/statements. NWU doesn't really specify how long it should be... do you guys know the appropriate length?</p>

<p>Also, do you know how specific colleges want these type of essays to be?</p>

<p>They said about 500 words this year, but mine was 750 (whoops).</p>

<p>And it’s NU, not NWU. :)</p>

<p>I was accepted ED and mine was about 350 words.</p>

<p>I don’t think colleges are looking for a certain response, but on mine I mentioned a couple things I learned from an information session (and noted that I learned them from attending an information session on campus) and I also quoted a statement off the NU website and explained why it resonated with me. So aside from just writing what I liked about NU, I tried to show that I had done my research on the school and that I was really interested in it.</p>

<p>Mine was 504 words</p>

<p>I’d imagine if it’s anywhere from 250 to 750 words (depending on what all you have to say), then it’s fine</p>