How long will it take for TAMU to completely review my application and notify me of their decision?

<p>My AIS account now says that they have received all documents that were part of the application. How long will I have to wait?</p>

<p>Are you an Academic Admit or Holistic Review candidate?</p>

<p>I am an academic admit.</p>

<p>I am an academic admit and I was accepted within 2-3 days.</p>

<p>procrastinating–Are you in state or out of state? I am out of state, submitted my app during the third week of September with all documents received by 9.30. It has been a month and I have heard nothing. On the admissions website I thought I read that Academic Admits should hear within 2 -3 weeks. I just didn’t know at what time I should follow up with Admissions to see if there is an issue with my application. I also wasn’t sure if out of state candidates were reviewed later in the process.</p>