How low till u get rejected??????? hehe

<p>alright, i know most of us slack off a bit after getting into the university we love (northwestern for me!!) but i wonder, for an IB diploma student, how low ur score has to be till u might get rejected?
i got predicted as 39, pretty good, could have been better though, but i got into Northwestern anyway, so i am not complaining</p>

<p>here is wat i get: (7 is the highest u can archieve, btw)
Chem HL: 6
Phys HL: 6 (could have been a 7, but my phys teacher is a newbie and an absolutely pain in the ass)
Math SL: 7
Eng A1 HL: 6
Mandarin: 7
Geography: 5 (i just hate geo!!)
and 2 out of 3 for bonus mark, which is calculated from ur Extended Essay and TOK essay</p>

<p>and now, here is the problem, i am doing my IB exams this week, and feel like i am not gonna do too well on most of them, here is wat i feel about some of the papers which i have already done and how i predict myself for the other papers left.</p>

<p>Phys (done): 6 for sure
English (half done, 1 more paper to do tmr): 5, maybe but unlikely 4
Chem: 6, but mostly likely a 5
Math: 7 for sure
Mandarin: 7 for sure
Geo: arggg, i dont feel like studying it since it is so boring, lets just say a 5, possibly a 4</p>

<p>anyway, if anyone of u guys take or took IB before, pls tell me about this, or maybe even share ur side of story, THX!!!</p>

<p>34 or 35 points in IB is still pretty good. I wouldn't worry too much, since Northwestern only rescinds the offer if you do REALLY really bad, and so far with you that's not the case... Just try to not fall much blow 34 points, and you should be fine.</p>

<p>rescinding admission decision based on IB/AP scores? has this ever happened? it seems quite unheard of to me.</p>

<p>humm thx, and sry for the long time to reply, buy anyone can answer gd016's question?</p>

<p>Since the tests were optional, I would assume that you couldn't possibly be rejected for not scoring well</p>

<p>It's still worth checking into though</p>