<p>alright, i know most of us slack off a bit after getting into the university we love (northwestern for me!!) but i wonder, for an IB diploma student, how low ur score has to be till u might get rejected?
i got predicted as 39, pretty good, could have been better though, but i got into Northwestern anyway, so i am not complaining</p>
<p>here is wat i get: (7 is the highest u can archieve, btw)
Chem HL: 6
Phys HL: 6 (could have been a 7, but my phys teacher is a newbie and an absolutely pain in the ass)
Math SL: 7
Eng A1 HL: 6
Mandarin: 7
Geography: 5 (i just hate geo!!)
and 2 out of 3 for bonus mark, which is calculated from ur Extended Essay and TOK essay</p>
<p>and now, here is the problem, i am doing my IB exams this week, and feel like i am not gonna do too well on most of them, here is wat i feel about some of the papers which i have already done and how i predict myself for the other papers left.</p>
<p>Phys (done): 6 for sure
English (half done, 1 more paper to do tmr): 5, maybe but unlikely 4
Chem: 6, but mostly likely a 5
Math: 7 for sure
Mandarin: 7 for sure
Geo: arggg, i dont feel like studying it since it is so boring, lets just say a 5, possibly a 4</p>