How many A Levels for Harvard?

Hi, I’m a UK student and am wondering if 3 A Levels would be acceptable for Harvard? Or must it be 4 A Levels?

It doesn’t matter, but you should have several AS levels with A/A+ A or A* predicated grades + something impressive you do when not in school.

@MYOS1634 But you dont think 4 rather than 3 would make a huge huge difference? Thank you so much

If you had the chance to take 4, and you took 3, it would reflect accordingly on you.

How many AS did you take and what were your results? Students who take 4 A’Levels instead of three were able to take 5 or even 6 AS levels, and maintain A-A. However, you’d have to maintain A-A status for all 4, which is very, very difficult - 4 A Levels at B would not help at all, 3 A Levels at A would be better. And, no it wouldn’t make a huge difference, what does make a huge difference is your national ranking in something plus your essays.