How many actual sections were there on the SAT

<p>I’m trying to find out how many sections there were and in the process see what experimental section I got. So far I have:</p>

<li>Old Lady</li>
<li>Grid in</li>
<li>Sentimental Dad</li>
<li>$5.55 telephone call</li>
<li>Price of n + 5 fruit</li>

<p>Can anyone help me out?</p>

<p>um, i had 10 sections in addition to the essay... why? this is not what my prep book said at all...</p>

<p>Did you have any sections that I missed</p>

<p>mobius, you had a section 11?</p>

<p>How many pages was it. I remember having two essay pages, one math + writing page, then two sections, then two section, then 3 sections</p>

<p>well, there was the essay, and then there were 10 different sections of multiple choice i missing something stupidly obvious here? thats how it usually is...</p>

<p>I got the same as mobius, an essay section (2 pages) followed by ten grid sections</p>

<p>Well, the essay is called Section One. So you just need to remember what the number of your last section was. If it was 11, then you have got one crazy test. But if it was 10, then you simply forgot that the essay was one of the sections, not an external section.</p>

<p>good, im not crazy...</p>

<p>Remember, the mc/grid questions start with section 2, not section 1. The essay is section 1.</p>

<p>no, i had the essay, and then the first multiple choice section was called section 1</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me how many math sections there were?
I have:
1. Grid in
2. Telephone Call time
3. n + 5 fruit</p>

<p>I can't remember if I had another one. Was the 12pi one in a different section?</p>

<p>How is that possible? Everyone got the same answer sheet.</p>

<p>i think...
pretty sure....
but common sense would say that im wrong, as i usually am...</p>

<p>well, if you remember better than me, which you do, you're probably right, even so, my prep book did not say anything about there being 10 sections</p>

<p>What were the three standard math sections on the test?</p>

<p>There are 10 sections, you probably just forgot that the essay counts as section one and that the rest starts at section 2.</p>

<p>The math sections. Waht were they?</p>

<p>oh okay, so 8 standard multiple choice sections, the essay, and then an experimental?</p>

<p>I started this thread to find out if I got an experimental math question and you are exploiting it to play a stupid little game. Thanks</p>