How Many AP's have (will) YOU taken (take)?

<p>USH, EURO, LIT, COMP. </p>

<p>My school offers 5.</p>

<p>my school offers 23</p>

<p>by the end of this year I'll have 11</p>

Spanish lang
American Hist
Human Geo</p>

<p>...and I'll have taken 10 exams (everything but Chem), since they are required and payed for by my school county</p>

<p>taken: 6.
in progress: ~10.</p>

<p>as a soph: 1
as a junior: 8 (or 9)
senior? who knows</p>

<li>(that's a lot of money :( ):
Euro History (exam, not class)
Spanish Language
Physics B
Computer Science AB
Spanish Literature
Calculus AB</li>

<p>There are 31 AP courses. My school offers 17 (bulleted).</p>

<p>Art History
-Calculus AB
-Calculus BC
Computer Science A
-Computer Science AB
English Language
-English Literature
-Environmental Science
-European History
-French Language
French Literature
-German Language
Comp Government & Politics
-U.S. Government & Politics
Human Geography
Latin Literature
-Latin: Vergil
Music Theory
-Physics B
Physics C
-Spanish Language
Spanish Literature
-Studio Art
-U.S. History
World History</p>

<p>I will have taken 8 total (one soph, 2 this year, 5 next year). I'm not a science person.</p>

AP Euro
AP Gov
AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
AP Stat
AP Ger
AP Lit</p>

<p>I think the most anyone can take at my school is 12... Obviously you would not even shoot for Art or the 4 languages since those require prereqs that could better be spent on other AP classes (lol) and then you are left with all the rest... That would be insane. I am even debating taking AP German. There is life outside of high school lol.</p>

<p>My school only offers 5:</p>

eng lit
World History
US History
Calc AB</p>

<p>w00t for APs! I'm finally in an english class where we don't have to read every book out loud!</p>

<p>None. For one, the school I go to doesn't offer AP classes. I'm taking college courses, worked for the past 3 years, I currently volunteer 9-12 hours a week, and I'm really involved in EC's, I have enough to deal with as it is.</p>

<p>3 this year, and by the end of next year all 6 that the school offers</p>

<p>Biology, Physics C - Mechanics, Calc BC, English Comp, US History, European History*</p>

<p>*if we have enough people to sign up for the class next year</p>

<p>Taking Calc BC, Physics, and US History, I have the toughest courseload of any junior in the school, sadly (although my class rank still sucks because of freshman year). Only one other junior is taking two APs, much less three. I imagine that maybe three or four other people will have taken all 6 by the time they graduate.</p>

<p>4 or 5 APs
US History
Calc BC
Spanish Language</p>

<p>But I also have 3 IB Higher Levels and 3 IB Standard Levels.</p>

chem, us his, latin
physics, bc calc, comp sci, psych</p>

<p>respective years</p>

<p>School offers 20 AP</p>

<p>I will have 6
-Calculus BC
-American Gov't & Politics
-United States History
-Computer Science AB
-Physics C</p>

<p>But I'm a full IB Student so I'm going to take a few extra tests.</p>

<p>I will have taken 9</p>

<p>American History
Computers and Information Science A
Lang and Comp
Eng Literature
Calc BC
Bio 12
Chem 12</p>

<p>US History
US Gov
Compar Gov
English Lit
Studio Art: Drawing

<p>So that makes ten.</p>

<p>10... possibly 11</p>

<p>I am the only one who has never taken AP anything, I feel either really stupid or really lazy I'm not sure which.</p>

<p>you guys gotta be kidding. me..our school offers i tihnk..around the low 20's or high 10's. by end of senior yea, i would have completed 11 AP's/
AP Calculus BC, AP Euro, APUSH, AP environmental science, AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Art History, AP Spanish Literature, AP English Composition, AP English Literature, and AP Govt and economics. mostly 3 and 4' and a couple of 5's. but wat i dont get is the stats ppl post up on CC. It doesnt seem right. I tihnk the stats posted up on CC are way to good.</p>

<p>These are "primary" subjects...</p>

<p>AP American Govt
AP USH (we don't have euro his or world his)
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Calc (dunno which one yet but hopefully BC)
AP Latin (??)
AP English Lang
AP English Lit</p>

<p>If I have blocks open, I'd like to take APS because I think APES is like a joke in my school and I don't want to waste my time. We don't have many APs like Econ, Psy, etc so can't take those.</p>

<p>hibiscus, how can you take a course that isn't offered? chill :)</p>

<p>world history
US history
latin literature
latin: Vergil
english lang.
european history
spanish lang.
calc AB</p>

<p>total 9. I am average!</p>

<p>wow, i can't even imagine having 20-something AP options. My school only offers five, and I've talken them all - Bio, Chem, Calc AB, English, and Physics. Actually, we didn't have enough people for an AP Physics class so myself and 5 other people are doing it as an independent study together during one of the blocks (though it then doesn't count towards GPA or rank). </p>

<p>My school is small and sucks. you should all be thankful for having so many options. I have taken every science class and math class my school offers (minus "business math" which is the math class all the people who can't figure out algebra take to fufill math requirements).</p>