<p>to get a 750 on bio M?</p>
<p>Like 6-7 I think.</p>
<p>are you serious?
thats it?
do you know how many you exactly missed when you got 800?</p>
<p>wat you think i got if i missed about 12?</p>
<p>should i cancel my score if i got 10 wrong for sure?
i got 710 last time</p>
<p>wat should i do?</p>
<p>They didn't tell me my exact score or anything. But typically you can get 1 wrong and still get an 800.</p>
<p>-12 would be around 700. Don't cancel - colleges will see your highest score anyway.</p>
<p>-10/80 for bio= 700? considering how hard the test is..</p>