How many class-weeks per semester?

<p>Hi, just a quick question</p>

<p>How many weeks of classes are there in a semester at Penn? I need this for my credit transfer..</p>

<p>I'll appreciate any help</p>


<p>count from here</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>ken would you mind posting your counting-results for all us lazy people out there? thanks man</p>

<p>am i going to have to cope with lazy people from now on or what?!</p>

<p>including the reading days (whatever that is) and the finals week and ignoring the Thanksgiving holidays it's </p>

<p>15 weeks</p>

<p>no, there's no class during reading days and holidays, so you can probably chop a week or two off of that...</p>

<p>thanks ken, i knew you'd come thru for us :)</p>