How Many Classes Per Semester?

<p>How many classes per semester do freshmen at UMiami generally take?</p>

<p>I guess that typically depends ajaku, on average a freshman goes between 12-15.</p>

<p>Assuming that they are 3 credit classes, so around 3-5 is a good assumption (at least what i’m basing it off of).</p>

<p>Minimum number of credits is 12, maximum number of credits is 17. You can take more credits if you get an override signature from the dean of your college. Most classes are three credits, labs are usually one credit, and some classes are four credits (BIL 150, MTH 111 I think). I agree with mangoman… some freshman get scared and decide they will take it easy the first semester and see what it’s like, and then find it way to easy, and some want to go all out and take 17 the first semester and find themselves overloaded. I recommend taking 15 credits yoru first semester and seeing how it goes, then maybe adjust your credit load from there. Of course, you can do whatever you want - plenty of people have taken heavy credit loads their first semester and done fine. But, if you go with 15, it should be the perfect amount to allow you to adjust to college life and still have some free time for a social life and to join some clubs.</p>

<p>5 classes which total 15 credits is the standard, but be realistic. If you prefer 4 to start, it may be a good idea.</p>

<p>Try to take at least 5 classes. Because they are a private college, they charge you full tuition for anything over 12 credits. If you take only 4 classes in a semester you are going to have to take 18 credits at some point in time to make up for it (unless you take a lot of 4 credit science classes in your time there). Shoot for 15 credits a semester on average so you graduate on time.</p>