I’m going to be attending UCLA in the fall and am currently in the process of planning what clothes to bring (as a girl). I know LA is blessed with a very temperate climate, and is likely going to be cooler than my current location in California’s Central Valley due to the ocean breeze that cools Westwood, so I’m wondering if I’m planning too many clothes at the moment, or in the wrong proportions? Here’s the current tally:
16 tops, including 3 long flannels for winter (and because I love my flannels, honestly), but maybe the winter really doesn’t exist in LA. If I remove these I’d maybe replace with a spaghetti tank and short-sleeved flannel combo for the spring/summertime.
9 bottoms, including 4 long jeans, 3 shorts, 1 short skirt and 1 long skirt.
5 sets of PJs. I’m not worried about climate for these; I wear the short sets year-round with no problem, and am also bringing some longer, thicker sets, just in case.
4 dresses. I really wanted to bring a 5th but, especially knowing me, there aren’t too many occasions I’d be wearing these. They’re all short sleeved and relatively short-skirted.
Advice from anyone who’s experienced with the LA climate and UCLA campus (or not) is deeply appreciated. Also, yes, I know I didn’t list any sweatpants, but I don’t like chilling in my sweatpants with my hair tied, sorry.
Thanks in advance!