How many credits are you taking?

<p>I'm signed up for 18 credits if I dont opt out of my writing seminar (thats assuming PE is one credit?). Im in CALS. How many credits are ya'll signed up for?</p>

<p>I'm thinking of taking 24 (18 plus 6 for least thats what the site says), but I'll probably drop out of the writing seminar because I don't like any of the fall ones (APing out of one).</p>

<p>omg, 24? that's a LOT of credits, good luck with that.</p>

<p>As of now, I'm signed up for 16, which will probably increase second semester.</p>

<p>18 and then 16 i think (if i remember correctly)</p>

<p>im thinking 16</p>

<p>how many classes is that? how often do classes meet?</p>

<p>Dude, 26 is just not a good idea. Chinese is incredibly hard, even if you are already fluent. You're going to be in a class full of people who have literally just flown in from China...</p>

<p>I'm taking 16 my first semester. </p>


<p>Well, with the Chinese class, there are two levels-101/102 and 109/110. The latter is for those who already know Chinese and are learning to write; the former is for people who don't know anything. I hope to take 101/102. I'm planning on just taking as many as I could possibly want, then dropping all necessary.</p>

<p>hey perro/anyone-I am thinking about starting to learn arabic by taking elem. arabic 1st semester. How is the workload for these intro "nonromantic" languages? I notice that it meets every day.

<p>romantic languages meet every day, too; at least spanish does. I'm only taking 4 classes, first semester: Calc, Spanish, Writing, and Music Theory.</p>

<p>I know two people who took intro Arabic. They both liked it and did pretty well. They also both agreed that it was a good bit of work. I personally took German 121, intro German, thinking "Oh, it'll be just like Spanish I that I took in high school, and I'll get an easy A". Wrong. Instead I got dumped into an every-day, full-immersion nightmare and was lucky to escape with a B (unlike about 1/3 of the class, which dropped it at some point in the semester). The point being, as I (and plenty of other people) learned the hard way, don't take a language class if you aren't hardcore into learning that language, because otherwise it will kick your ass. This holds true for pretty much all the languages at Cornell.</p>

<p>I have to say, espanol 209 es muy facil, easier than my HS spanish class. I literally did a whopping 5 min of HW every two days (HW was always a fill-in-the-blank worksheet with the answers online), studied approx. 1 hour for the exams, and less than 3 hours for the final. The only bad thing about the class was that the final was on a Saturday.</p>

<p>The placement test to get into the class was quite a b*tch though. I'd say 85% of the people who took it couldn't get the 56 or whatever score required to place into the class.</p>

<p>oh Effin Joy, so if I can hold a conversation about most general things, albeit poorly, norcalguy, what spanish do you estimate I would place into?</p>

<p>Is this too much? </p>

<p>Physics 116 *Honors
Calc 192
FWS Music and Jazz
German II</p>

<p>A total of 16 credit hours. OK? Not? Thanks</p>

<p>116 honors will make your butthole think it's in prison. Calc 192 will be fine. FWS sounds cool....but you'd better know about music already. And german II, well, if you know a decent amount of german already, that will be fine too. But what's your major again? Are you an engineer or pure physics major? If you're an engineer, then where's CS or intro to engineering, and also the weekly engineering seminar?</p>

<p>is it even possible to take 24 credits? I thought the max was 22 credits, of which there can only be a max of 5 classes 3 credits and up.</p>

<p>you have to get special permission to take more</p>

<p>I think some of you guys underestimate the rigor of Cornell. After 4 semesters, the most I've taken in one semester is 16 credits. If you're planning on taking over 20 as a freshman, good luck.</p>

<p>perro, I am in CAS for physics. But I am interested in those classes, and plan to take them ASAP. Could I fit one in?</p>

<p>Oh, BTW, how bad is the Honor's Physics? I will be a physics major with a 5 on AP Physics B and 800 Physics SAT II, and a bit of self study last year. (None over the summer, which I should have). The music FWS is just a thought, but yeah, I play jazz vibes so I know. I also know a decent amount of German. Got the Calc BC 5 too.</p>